League News


First Shift Registration

First Shift registration opens June 1 at Noon!
We are so excited to offer this program and to introduce more young girls to hockey.
For $299 your player will be outfitted in Bauer gear and get 6 on ice sessions (beginning mid November).
Participants must be new to the sport to be eligible, they can't have been previously registered with a hockey association.
First Shift is open to participants born 2014-2018.
If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Ross at vpdevelopment.fhfha@gmail.com
To register for First Shift under Fundy Highland, please use this link:
Jun 1, 2023

Volunteers Needed

Calling out to all Fundy Highland parents and supporters- attached is a link to let us know how you want to volunteer your time with us!
There are a number of open positions available and we need your help.
The voting board positions will be filled at the AGM on June 19, 2023 at 7pm at the RECC. The deadline to put your name in for those positions is June 12.
It is essential to fill the Ice Coordinator position as soon as possible. We recognize that this is a challenging role, and therefore have decided that the association will reimburse the season registration for one player of the person who takes it on (after the season and the role have been successfully completed)
May 29, 2023

Coaching Applications open for the 2023-24 season

Coahcing applications are now open for the 2023-24 season!

Please complete the attached application and conflict of interest forms and submit them to Sandi at secretary.fhfha@gmail.com by May 24, 2023. 




May 11, 2023

Northern Subway Selects ID camp 2023

Please see the atatched documents for registration and information on the Northern Subway Selects ID camp 2023.


Northern Selects ID Camp Information 23-24

Northern Selects ID Camp Registration Form - 23-24 (1)

May 9, 2023

Ice Scheduler position

Interested in being a volunteer with Fundy Highland Female Hockey? We have an opening for the role of Ice Scheduler.
This is a vital role for our association and we are looking for an organized individual who can start soon and take advantage of working with Rebecca before she steps back after this season.
Ice Scheduler and Coordinator – Responsibilities
The duties of the ice Coordinator include but are not limited to:
• Securing the rental of ice facilities for the Association. In performing this duty, the Ice Coordinator will follow the principles and policies established by FHFHA
• Liaising with the Vice President Finance in the preparation of the recommended budget.
Special attention must be paid to potential inflation of ice rental costs for the upcoming season
• Acting as the liaison with Hockey Nova Scotia and the appropriate Female Hockey leagues and ensure the Association acts in compliance with the rules, regulations and policies of those
• Administering the applicable policies of the association.
This is not a voting member position, but will require attendance at some meetings to provide regular updates.
Please forward your interest in this role to secretary.fhfha@gmail.com
Feb 24, 2023

U13AAA Team Announcement!

to the following players who have been selected to the FHFHA U13AAA team for the 2022/2023 season!
Alissia Duncan
Ava Foote
Brooke MacDonald
Callie Campbell
Delani Pelley
Emerson Hale
Evelyn MacLeod
Evelyn Scott
Jade MacKeil
Jane McCurdy
Kaelin Sutherland
Lily Michaud
Lunden MacDonald
Nya Capstick
Reese Hawkins
Lailee Head
All remaining players please attend final ice time:
Tuesday October 18th 7:30pm to 8:30pm PCWC
Oct 15, 2022