League News


Cards from Fundy Highland Fun Night

Fundy Highland teams are grateful to come from such a fantastic community that supports us throughout the season. As a thank you, our teams made many Christmas cards at Fundy Highland Fun Night for seniors in our community. Here are some of the many amazing cards that were delivered today! 


Have a safe and happy holidays everyone!

Dec 22, 2023

Two Important Notes


1. A reminder all registration fees are due to be paid in full by January 12th.

2. Rafflebox Draws have begun for another season! The first draw was on December 20th and the winner was Chriss Landry who won $225! For those of you who did not receive a link to distribute our Rafflebox Draw, please contact Brady at vpfinance@fundyhighlandfemalehockey.ca

Dec 21, 2023

Super STARS Alert!

The U15AA team collected items for the foodbank and made Christmas cards to give out at an assisted living facility!


We love seeing our teams give back to the community! Great work girls!

Dec 21, 2023


Lots of home games this weekend! Come out and support our teams!


Pictou County 


U13A White vs MW Force Thunder @ 11 PCWC

U15AAA vs Valley Wild @ 11 Trenton

U13A Green vs Cape Breton Blizzard @ 11:30 PCWC

U11A vs MW Force Hurricanes @ 12:30 Trenton

U13AAA vs Valley Wild @ 1pm Hector & 6pm Hector


U11A vs QC Whitecaps Black @ 12:30 Hector 

U13A Green vs QC Whitecaps Teal @ 12:30 Trenton 

U18A vs MW Force Hurricanes @ 2pm Hector

Colchester County 


U13A White vs QC Whitecaps Black @ 12pm Don Henderson Memorial Sportsplex 


Good luck to all our teams this weekend!!

Dec 15, 2023


Come out and support our teams at their home games this weekend!!


Pictou County 


U15AAA vs MW Force Citadels @ 11:30 am PCWC

U15AA vs Western Riptide @ 1pm and 6pm Hector Arena


U18A vs QC Whitecaps Teal @ 12:30 Trenton

U18AA vs Valley Wild @ 2pm Hector Arena

Colchester County 


U13A White vs U13A Green @ 12pm Don Henderson Memorial Sportsplex 


Best of luck to all our teams this weekend!!

Dec 8, 2023

Fundy Highland Skills Sessions



Please note below the time changes at the PCWC only. 


Fundy Highland Female Association will be hosting Skills Sessions this Friday. Sessions will take place in both Brookfield, and the PCWC. Sessions are open to all Female hockey players. 



Location: Wellness Centre

Date: Friday, December 8th

Session 1: 7:00pm - 7:50pm (U13)

Session 2: 8:00pm - 8:50pm (U15 & U18)

Skills being run by the Weeks Jr. A Crushers



Location: Don Henderson Memorial Rink

Date: Friday, December 8th

Session 3: 6:00pm - 6:50pm (All age groups)

Skills being run by the Truro Bearcats Jr. A Players. 


Cost: $10 for Fundy members, $15 for non-members. Payable via e-transfer to vpfinance@fundyhighlandfemalehockey.ca upon registration.


Register here: https://forms.gle/VhDypnrkA2kr2UJL7

Dec 5, 2023