League News



There will be two groups for U13 conditioning skates and the times/locations are as follows:
If you have registered and your name is not on the below list please reach out: vpdevelopment@fundyhighlandfemalehockey.ca
Group A
Date Rink Time
Sept 8th PCWC 530pm-630pm
Sept 10th PCWC 9am-10am
Sept 11th PCWC 7pm-8pm
Sept 12th PCWC 5pm-6pm
Callie Campbell
Lexi Bungay
Olivia MacLaughlin
Bree MacDonald
Clara Walsh
Macie Macdonald
Ava Dewtie
Brooke MacDonald
Noelle Budge
Ella Weatherby
Georgia Scott
Kayla Hale
Charley Roberts
Ella Ferguson
Faith Mahar
Ashlyn MacKenzie
Kyleigh Chisholm
Macie MacDonald
Bella Fraser
Madison D'Entremont
Allie Bozin
Group B
Date Rink Time
Sept 8th PCWC 630pm-730pm
Sept 10th RECC 130pm-230pm
Sept 12th PCWC 6pm-7pm
Sept 14th RECC 6pm-7pm
Claire Wyllie
Clara White
Regan Yuill
Regan Lake
Kathryn Poehl
Kate Jollimore
Grace Pula
Avery Pugsley
Rory Boulton
Piper Bjorklund
Violet Hanna
Cara Casey
Maria Bagnell
Lunden MacDonald
Addy Faulkner
Miranda Reid
Bella Chisholm
Amarlie Balk Crispin
Sep 1, 2023


There will be one group for U18 conditioning skates and the times/locations are as follows:
Sept 8th PCWC 7:30pm-8:30pm
Sept 10th RECC 2:30pm-3:30pm
Sept 12th PCWC 8:30pm-9:30pm
Sept 13th PCWC 8:00pm-9:00pm
If you have registered and your name is not on the below list please reach out: vpdevelopment@fundyhighlandfemalehockey.ca
Sidney Keay
Allie Williams
Leah Higgins
Eleanor Orritt
Kori Griffon
Jessica Cameron
Alyssa Lowther
Sarah Chapman
Jessica Porter
Sophie Otter
Alexis Tulloch
Katelyn Haynes
Jaydin Sherman
Vanessa LeBlanc
Alexis Tulloch
Maddy Flanagan
Kate Wyllie
Sarah MacKay
Chloe Garcia
Alexa Cameron
Reese Nicholson
Elisabeth MacEachern
Alana Palmer
Delaney Dean
Danni Totten
Sep 1, 2023


Fundy Highland Female Hockey is pleased to present the 2023 Sobeys Cup Female AAA/AA Hockey Tournament October 27-29th, 2023. The tournament will feature the AAA level of each female division from U13 to U18, as well as U11 AA. Games will take place at the Pictou County Wellness Centre, and the Hector Arena in Pictou.

Please see attached information and registration form. 

2023 Sobeys Cup Memo

2023 Sobeys Cup Registration Form




Aug 31, 2023

U15 Conditioning Skate Lists

U15 Conditioning Skates! If you don't see your name and you have registered please reach out.
TImes are as Follows:
Group A:
August 29th RECC 6-7
August 31st PCWC 7-8
September 5th PCWC 6-7
September 7th PCWC 7-8
Group B:
August 29th PCWC 7-8
August 31st RECC 6-7
September 5th PCWC 7-8
September 7th PCWC 6-7
Group A     Group B  
Ronni Langille   Hannah Thompson
Hannah Gelinas   Teagan Ward
Lauren Williams   Madison Haslam
Layla Austen   Callie MacEachen
Addison Prosper   Lily Handley
Nya Capstick   Alissia Duncan
Chelsea Boyle   Bailee Kontuk
Evelyn MacLeod   Paige Harrison
Ava Foote   Ada Martin
Reese Hawkins   Laila Burris
Molly Marchand   Rachel Steeves
Evelyn Scott   Lily Michaud
Ella Affleck   Jane McCurdy
Ainslie Dunbar   Mady Spence
Samantha Guitard   Emerson Hale
Aug 26, 2023


ESSO Fun Day for Girls is a fun, free event open to all girls (U7-U13) interested in trying Female hockey. Happening September 9th at the Pictou County Wellness Centre.

Please register by emailing:


A fun day will be planned for the girls, please spread the word - more information to follow!!


Aug 23, 2023


Registration is now open for Tryouts for the 2023-24 Season (U13, U15, U18)
?**IMPORTANT** All players wishing to attend tryouts MUST first register for the season with Fundy Highland. We encourage all families to complete this form to help determine numbers at each preferred level of tryouts.
Registration is completed through GrayJayPay: https://grayjaypay.ca/.../fundy-highland-female-hockey.../. If you are new to GrayJayPay you will need to create an account first: https://grayjaypay.ca/ (click Sign Up on the top right).
?The deadline to register for tryouts:
U15 Sept 2nd
U18 and U13 Sept 9th
Sessions will take place at the Pictou County Wellness Centre and the Rath Eastlink Community Centre. Depending on registration numbers, players may be divided into two groups (groups will be posted prior to the first ice time).
Please indicate your preferred level of tryouts in the form below.
?**Levels of play in each division will be determined by the Board of Directors after tryout evaluations are completed.
?**If choosing AAA/AA, the tryout fee is $100 and must be paid in full prior to the first session. If paying by etransfer please send to vpfinance@fundyhighlandfemalehockey.ca (indicate name and level).
?**If choosing A, please note there is a possibility of a tryout session; this will be decided once registration numbers are finalized. No fee required at this time.
?**Information regarding U11 Conditioning Skates and Tryouts coming in a separate form as soon as ice times are confirmed.
Aug 19, 2023